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Resultados 31-40 de 168.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
jun-2015Reverse electrochemical etching method for fabricating ultra-sharp platinum/iridium tips for combined scanning tunneling microscope/atomic force microscope based on a quartz tuning forkMorán Meza, José Antonio; Polesel Maris, J.; Lubin, Christophe; Thoyer, F.; Makky, A.; Ouerghi, A.; Cousty, Jacques; jmoranm@uni.edu.pe; jpoleselmaris@ groupeseb.com; christophe.lubin@cea.fr; francois. thoyer@cea.fr; ali.makky@u-psud.fr; abdelkarim.ouerghi@ lpn.cnrs.fr; jacques.cousty@cea.fr
16-may-2019Tecnologías para la Productividad y Competitividad con Impresoras 3D. Caso:fabricación de engranajesLuque Casanave, Manuel; verman@verman.com.pe
nov-2005Análisis del referéndum: Macroregionalización y descentralizaciónLuque Casanave, Manuel; verman@verman.com.pe
may-2016Protocol for studying cough frequency in people with pulmonary tuberculosisProaño, Alvaro; Bravard, Marjory A; Tracey, Brian H; López, José W; Comina Bellido, Germán Yuri; Zimic, Mirko; Coronel, Jorge; O’Neill Lee, Gwenyth; Caviedes, Luz; Cabrera, Jose Luis; Salas, Antonio; Ticona, Eduardo; Kirwan, Daniela E; Friedland, Jon S; Evans, Carlton A; Moore, David A; Gilman, Robert H; Tuberculosis Working Group in Peru; rgilman@jhsph.edu; gilmanbob@gmail.com
ago-2016Spatial statistical analysis for the design of indoor particle-filter-based localization mechanismsMartínez Gómez, Jesus; Martínez Del Horno, Miguel; Castillo Cara, Manuel; Brea Luján, Víctor Manuel; Orozco Barbosa, Luis; García Varea, Ismael; luis.orozco@uclm.es
may-2016Coulomb and even-odd effects in cold and super-asymmetric fragmentation for thermal neutron induced fission of U-235Montoya, M.; mmontoya@uni.edu.pe
oct-2016Influence of zinc acetate content on the photoelectrochemical performance of zinc oxide nanostructures fabricated by electrospinning techniqueRamos, Pierre G.; Morales, Noé J.; Candal, Roberto J.; Hojamberdiev, Mirabbos; Rodríguez, Juan; jrodriguez@uni.edu.pe
sep-2016Green Synthesis of ZnO2 Nanoparticles and Their Annealing Transformation Into ZnO2 Nanoparticles: Characterization and Antimicrobial ActivityRomán, L. E.; Maurtua, D.; Paraguay Delgado, Francisco; Solís, José L.; Gómez, Mónica M.
ago-2016Moisture-sensitive properties of multi-walled carbon nanotubes/polyvinyl alcohol nanofibers prepared by electrospinning electrostatically modified methodRamos, Pierre G.; Morales, Noé J.; Goyanes, Silvia; Candal, Roberto J.; Rodríguez, Juan; jrodriguez@uni.edu.pe
feb-2016Soluble trace metals in aerosols over the tropical south east Pacific offshore of PeruBaker, A. R.; Thomas, M.; Bange, H. W.; Plasencia Sánchez, Edson Jesús; alex.baker@uea.ac.uk
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