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Title: Ubicación de los sistemas fotovoltaicos conectados a la red en el mercado eléctrico peruano
Authors: Orosco Zumarán, David Richard
Advisors: Aguilar Robles, Gregorio
Keywords: Sistema fotovoltaicos;Sistemas de protección y control;Evaluación económica
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Abstract: This work presents an analysis of economic, tariff and regulating issues related to the introduction of Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems in a deregulated eletric market context; a case study for the peruvian electric market is realized. Based on the princing system of the electric market, it is developed an economic assessment model that can be used by institutions interested in promoting this techonology for generating electricity.
Rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess
Appears in Collections:Ingeniería Mecánica y Electrica

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